Tag ~wireless networking

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HPE says Aruba customer data compromised after data breach

Researchers develop laserbased underwater WiFi system for subsea data networks

Googles Project Fi now offers data coverage in 170 countries

Particle announces the Mesh board an easy way to make your DIY talk to itself

Quix raises 32M from Project A and others for its Stream centric approach to data

Sigfox the French IoT startup that had raised more than 300M files for bankruptcy protection as it seeks a buyer

Ford will slash 7000 salaried jobs by August

Dubai startup raises 15m to use AI to reduce vehicle accidents and opens US office in Detroit

The Station: Canoo hits the road Coup shutters and Samsung shifts

The unlonely planet

The Velop AC3900 mesh router offers cheaper wholehome Internet

Researchers discover aluminum foil actually does improve your wireless speed

Netgear put a cable modem in latest Orbi wifi router

Orbi Outdoor Satellite adds WiFi coverage to your back yard

The best WiFi 6 home networking tech to upgrade your setup

Amazon Sidewalk is a new longrange wireless network for your stuff

Netgear adds gigabit routers to its Orbi mesh

Apple reportedly working on satellite technology for direct wireless iPhone data transmission

Open Garden wants to give you tokens for sharing your Internet connection